BANDAG’S INVESTMENT IN their South African operations more than demonstrates unrelenting commitment not only to Southern Africa but to its customers and the transport industry as a whole.
This ensures Bandag’s wide customer base are abreast of the latest technological breakthroughs in the procure retreading industry.
It has also made it possible for Bandag S.A. to successfully incorporate the production of tread and ancillary products for Bandag dealers in South i>st Asia into the local operation and has led to the company being awarded full control and accountability for all Bandag operations in that region.
This total commitment goes much further than this. With a reputation for moving with the times, Bandag’s alliance with independently owned Black Empowerment vehicles, has demonstrated their support in the drive to change South Africa’s political economic environment. The company has seen the future of the country and the region and is getting fully involved with it. In embracing the entrepreneurial spirit of our proud nation, Bandag are also firmly committed to maintaining and developing independently owned businesses and do so by joining hands with their dealer network and Fleetwatch, so as to elevate the transport and related industries to the status they deserve. And that status is one of being worthy contributors to the South African economy.
With the attitude of always looking to the future rather than dwelling m the past, Bandag recently extended their network coverage by adding drive-in Bandag Truck Service centres across the country. These provide the necessary services under one roof such as truck wheel alignment, trick tyre balancing and related undercarriage services.
All the joint efforts between Bandag and its highly professional network of independent dealers are aimed at ensuring that transporters are able to optimise their uptime and thereby add to their bottom line.
Throughout the years, quality has always come first with Bandag and its dealer
networks and, as such, it’s no surprise that they place huge emphasis on maintaining quality standards such as ISO, SABS and the newly tabled ECEIOB and ECE109 Retreading Standards.